Yeast Infection, BV Treatment, UTI and Vaginitis Treatment | Candida and Bacterial Vaginosis, VF10 Complete Feminine Care |Olive Leaf, Caprylic Acid, Oregano Oil, Goldenseal, Cinnamon| 120 Capsules

May 15, 2019 in


Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $46.99.

VF10 Complete Feminine Care Formula is a special womens supplement: a blend of botanicals (olive leaf, oregano oil, caprylic acid, goldenseal, and ceylon cinnamon), vitamins (D3, 5000 mcg biotin and B-5), and minerals (zinc and selenium) selected to provide support against feminine itch, odor, and ailments such as yeast infections (candida overgrowth), vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis (BV),cystitis and urinary tract infections (UTI), and bladder infections (cystitis)…


VF10 Complete Feminine Care Formula is a special womens supplement: a blend of botanicals (olive leaf, oregano oil, caprylic acid, goldenseal, and ceylon cinnamon), vitamins (D3, 5000 mcg biotin and B-5), and minerals (zinc and selenium) selected to provide support against feminine itch, odor, and ailments such as yeast infections (candida overgrowth), vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis (BV),cystitis and urinary tract infections (UTI), and bladder infections (cystitis).

Each bottle contains a 60 day supply and can be used daily (to support against yeast infections, urinary tract infections, viral infection outbreaks, or candida support) or as needed (following an antibiotic series, during a candida cleanse, or when any type of uncomfortable symptoms appear). The botanicals selected for this formula have been shown in numerous studies not lose their efficacy over time (no tolerance building) making VF10 an ideal choice for regular use.

Often, one feminine problem is accompanied by or followed by another. Sometimes too it is hard to distinguish one problem from another in their early stages– many female problems have similar symptoms such as vaginal itch, frequent or urgent urination, unpleasant vaginal discharge or vaginal odor– and the condition is left to worsen or be misdiagnosed or mistreated. Repeat use of a traditional yeast infection treatment (antifungal creams), uti treatment, or bv treatment (antibiotics) can leave your system irritated and susceptible to new infections and can not be used for prevention.

Feminine infections are often caused or aggravated by an imbalance between healthy and unhealthy microbes (bacteria and fungus) in the female system. Helping to correct the balance of microbes in the system through healthy diet, taking multivitamins and supplements such as VF10, and regular use of probiotics, is a proactive way to assist your body in warding off these infections.

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